Saturday, January 7, 2012

Easy Ham Salad

Here's one easy ham salad recipe.  It only took me five minutes to finish making.

What you need:

Fully cooked shank ham, or any kind really.


Honey Mustard.



Grate the ham in a food processor until fine. Depending on how much you make, will depend on how much mayo you use. You want this to be creamy.  I used 5tbsp for mine Transfer to a medium sized bowl to mix.

I'm great to make for those left overs from last night!
After you mix in the mayo, add a squirt of honey mustard, just around the top and  mix again. Don't use too much. just a little bit will do ( I used roughly 2 teaspoons).  Add your pepper (1 teaspoon give or take) and for a good taste add relish if you'd like.